1/64 Tomica Limited Vintage February 2017 releases

Will be released on February 28, 2017.
You can pre-order it now, but the release date is subject to change.

1/64 Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N138a Cresta GT Twin Turbo (Pearl Silhouette Toning)
1/64 Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N138b Cresta GT Twin Turbo (Silver)
1/64 Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N142a Nissan Civilian Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Riot Rescue Team
1/64 Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N143a Nissan Civilian Personnel Carrier
1/64 Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N139a Isuzu ERGA Kokusai Kogyo