1/64 Tomica Limited Vintage February 2023 releases

Will be released on February 28, 2023.
You can pre-order it now, but the release date is subject to change.

1/64 Tomicarama Vintage 04e UTILITAS
1/64 Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N279a Toyota Land Cruiser 60G Package (White)
1/64 Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N279b Toyota Land Cruiser 60 Standard Upgraded Van Model (Red)
1/64 Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N Seibu Keisatsu Vol.25 Nissan Skyline 2000GT Patrol Car
1/64 Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N Ogikubo Damashii Vol.10 Nissan Skyline 2000GT-E L Type Extra Model (Brown)
1/64 Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N234c UNISIA JECS Skyline (93s Model)