1/64 Tomica Limited Vintage November 2017 releases
Will be released on November 30, 2017.
You can pre-order it now, but the release date is subject to change.
1/64 Tomica Limited Vintage TLV - EIKOU 5000 Km Datsun Bluebird
1/64 Tomica Limited Vintage TLV Ogikubo Vol.5 Skyline 2000GT
1/64 Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N157a Laurel 2000GL-6 (Green)
1/64 Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N157b Laurel 2000GL-6 (Blue)
1/64 Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N139d Isuzu Erga Shinki Bus